Originally posted on 5/22/2020 at https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/vital-truths-to-remember-when-you-are-suffering.html
When you are facing something difficult in your life, do you ever find yourself struggling with an uncontrollable swirl of thoughts and emotions, accompanied by discouragement? When you are suffering and your mind is desperately trying to make sense of what you are going through, it can be easy to focus on the negative and forget about the encouraging truths that God has given to help you through.
Recently, as I was lamenting over a difficult situation in my life, I quickly realized that my mind was in a downward spiral of discouragement. Having been in that same downward spiral many times before, I was able to recognize it and confront the lies that I was telling myself—as well as remind myself of God’s truths that contradict those lies.
Stopping the downward spiral of discouraging lies and replacing them with God’s eternal truths is the key to reversing the hopelessness and frustration you feel during suffering. It can be hard to remember these in the midst of struggle, but here are five vital truths that can help you—no matter what your circumstances may look like:
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