Originally posted on 9/17/2020 at https://www.crosswalk.com/special-coverage/coronavirus/ways-covid-19-could-transform-us-for-better-or-for-worse.html
Unprecedented: It’s the word that’s repeatedly been used to describe the COVID-19 pandemic and it’s resulting circumstances and it’s a word that is almost cringe-worthy at this point. By definition, it refers to something never before known or experienced.
To some personalities, new and different is easily tolerated, or can even be exciting, but to others, the experience of the unknown and unfamiliar can be downright paralyzing.
No matter which camp you reside in, the fact remains that we are all facing this unique season with very little certainty on the best way to deal with it, besides to embrace the often-touted (and just as cringe-worthy) “new normal”.
While I sincerely hope and imagine that the current circumstances we are facing aren’t permanent, it stands to reason that this huge (and lengthy) shift in how we live life will make a long-term impact in multiple ways. Following are 3 areas where our choices and outlook going forward will determine if the impacts on our lives are positive or negative. (read more)